Gold Price Chart

View the live price for instantly purchasable physical gold bullion on our live charts, displaying data from the Kinesis Exchange.


With Kinesis, you can purchase physical gold bullion at these live prices on our online platform and app.

Monitor the gold price against the value of currencies including British Pound Sterling (GBP), Euros (EUR) and US Dollars (USD).

View the gold price over different time frames: a day, week, month or year for accurate, real-time pricing on allocated gold bullion in kilograms, grams or ounces.

Accurate, up-to-the-minute pricing is essential for those interested in gold investing. If you’re asking the question – how much is gold? At this very moment? Our charts let you determine the current value for physical bullion right now.

Historic Gold Price

Last Year 5 Years ago 20 Years ago
Gold Price (Gram)
Gold Price (Ounce)
Gold Price (Kilogram)

Updated with live market data from the Kinesis Exchange

Live gold pricing is aggregated across our vaults based in London, New York, Brisbane, Sydney, Toronto, Hong Kong, Dubai, Istanbul, Vaduz, Panama City, Zurich, Batam and Singapore.

Gold Price Chart FAQ

How can I buy gold with Kinesis?

We’ve made it very straightforward for you to buy digitalised physical gold (KAU) on our platform. From the main dashboard of your Kinesis account, you simply enter how much money you would like to spend or how much gold you would like to buy, and you can purchase gold at the market price in a matter of seconds.


Will the price of gold drop?

The gold price is difficult to accurately predict, as price fluctuation occurs on a minute, daily and monthly basis.

However, you can view the live gold price on our bespoke price charts, aggregating data across our global vaulting network. 

Why invest in gold?

Gold has historically provided a safe haven for buyers, as a proven buffer against economic uncertainty.

Gold’s cultural significance cannot be discounted, particularly in India and China. In terms of future smart city and 5G infrastructure and the electrification movement, its usage in electronics is likely to gain traction.


Is it a good time to buy gold?

In terms of diversification of assets, physical gold has the potential to offer stability in times of economic uncertainty.

Value in gold ownership was previously found in its continued appreciation as an asset, but with Kinesis’ offering of a usage-based yield on gold, users can now earn a passive, monthly return on their bullion.

Has the price of gold been increasing?

Gold prices have been increasing if you take the long-term view over the past 20 years, with the precious metal now witnessing the peaks last seen in August 2011.

What has been particularly relevant recently, is the need for consumers and governments to weather the storm of economic and geopolitical uncertainty, which has been a factor fuelling the price in the past few years.

What affects the price of gold?

Supply, demand and investor sentiment are key considerations affecting the gold price. Inflation, geopolitics and economical uncertainty concerning the Covid-19 pandemic have driven a major spike in gold prices since March 2020. Recently, some central banks such as Thailand, Hungary and Brazil have boosted their gold reserves. 

How does gold perform during inflation?

Inflation greatly reduced the buying power of paper currency. In effect, this means less gold can be purchased for the same amount of money. 

When trouble looms, investors tend to look to gold, as seen during the Great Recession from 2007-2008, when the US housing market crashed.

What is Kinesis Gold?

Kinesis gold (KAU) is a digital currency native to the Kinesis system. One KAU represents 1 gram of fully allocated physical gold that sits in our vaults, in your name. All Kinesis gold is investment-grade, and can be instantly purchased, traded, sent and spent globally. 

With Kinesis, investors can earn a yield on gold with a passive return on their bullion, simply by holding it in the system. 

How safe is Kinesis Gold?

All gold bullion held by Kinesis undergoes independent, third-party audits, twice a year. 

We employ the world-class independent audit and inspection specialist, Inspectorate International, a Bureau Veritas company, to conduct regular, independent, physical audits of all bullion underpinning Kinesis gold and silver-based digital currencies. 

The quantity of gold and silver held in our vaults is checked against the record of all KAU and KAG in circulation, stored on our blockchain. 

Are there any storage fees?

With Kinesis, all precious metals are fully allocated, insured, with no storage costs on holdings. Kinesis secures free storage for investors by allocating a share of Kinesis global transaction fee revenue to cover the vaulting costs. 

Through the robust vaulting network of ABX, Kinesis offers users bullion storage globally, while enabling investors to redeem their gold bullion at any time.