Silver Price Chart

Our silver price chart displays the live price for instantly purchasable physical silver bullion, displaying data from the Kinesis Exchange.


With Kinesis, you can purchase physical silver bullion at these live prices on our online platform and app.

With silver rates differing from country to country, Kinesis offers the only chart in the world that aggregates physical silver bullion pricing across our global vaulting network.

View the silver price over different time frames: a day, week, month or year for accurate, real-time pricing on allocated silver bullion in kilograms or ounces.

Monitor the silver price against the value of currencies including British Pound Sterling (GBP), Euros (EUR) and US Dollars (USD).

Join Kinesis’ easy-to-use online platform to purchase physical silver bullion at these live prices.

Historic Silver Price

Live price Last Week Last month Last Year 5 Years ago 20 Years ago
Silver Price (Ounce) $28.10-0.78% $29.36 $28.87 $25.05 $16.56 $6.19
Silver Price (Kilogram) $903.43-0.78% $943.94 $928.03 $805.21 $532.35 $199.01

Updated with live market data from the Kinesis Exchange


View live silver pricing aggregated across our physical vaulting hubs in London, New York, Brisbane, Sydney, Toronto, Hong Kong, Dubai, Istanbul, Vaduz, Panama City, Zurich, Batam and Singapore.

Silver Investment with Kinesis

When you buy silver from across our global vaulting network, Kinesis creates a digital record of your physical holdings, which serves as proof of ownership. The Kinesis platform offers users secure ownership of physical silver stored within an insured, audited vaulting network.

Kinesis silver also allows you to send, trade and spend silver at any moment. Spending silver as everyday money is possible with the Kinesis Virtual Card allowing you to hold precious metals, and only converting them to fiat currency at the moment of purchase. 

Silver Price Chart FAQ

How can I buy silver with Kinesis?

With Kinesis, we’ve made it very straightforward for you to buy digitalised physical silver (KAG). From the main dashboard of your Kinesis account, you simply enter how much money you would like to spend or how much silver you would like to buy, and you can purchase silver at the market price in a matter of seconds.


Is silver a good investment?

Silver investment can be considered beneficial in terms of its demand within the retail sector for jewellery as well as the industrial sector, for fabrication and technology. 

On the whole, silver is a cheaper investment than gold and is recognised for its industrial utility, as a result of its electrical conductivity. 

How stable is the price of silver?

Although silver is often more thinly traded than gold and more volatile in price movements, in terms of inflationary pressures, it can offer a more affordable hedge for times of trouble and against inflation.

It tends to respond more strongly to manufacturing upturns or downturns. However, its overall value as a metal for future industrial applications is likely to be a factor in boosting demand in the coming years.

Will the price of silver drop?

The price of silver has seen some volatile activity recently. It saw a dive in March 2020 during the virus pandemic to near the $12 per oz mark. The price then peaked at $29.50 in August 2020. 

Silver, and precious metals, have historically been used as a hedge against the US dollar inflation rate. In the future, there is the upside for its potential movement on the back of the energy transition movement.

What factors affect the price of silver?

Silver prices can be affected by inflation and the declining dollar, virus pandemic worries and economic uncertainty. Geopolitical concerns are also a big threat to economics.

Silver has many technological applications being a highly conductive material – it is a key metal used in industrial applications. 

With climate change being a big consideration, the need for clean energy and the metals that serve it may gain traction and affect the silver price.

How does silver perform during inflation?

In times of inflation, the silver price has historically risen. Inflation means a rise in the cost of goods, products and services and a devaluing of the currency rate. Since silver is not based on paper currency, it can offer a hedge against this scenario facing investors.

Silver is desirable, mainly in India and China, in times of economic uncertainty. Widely considered to be a safe investment vehicle, increased demand for silver would likely bolster the price in this potential setting. 

What is Kinesis Silver?

Kinesis silver (KAU) is a digital currency native to the Kinesis system, based on 1:1 allocated physical silver bullion. 

A single KAG represents 1 ounce of fully allocated silver, with a minimum fineness of 999, which sits within our vaults, in your name. 

Kinesis silver can be instantly purchased, traded, sent or spent anywhere in the world, in a matter of seconds.

How safe is Kinesis Silver?

All silver bullion held by Kinesis undergoes independent, third-party audits, twice a year. 

We employ the world-class independent audit and inspection specialist, Inspectorate International, a Bureau Veritas company, to conduct regular, independent, physical audits of all bullion underpinning Kinesis gold and silver-based digital currencies. 

The quantity of vaulted gold and silver is checked against the record of all Kinesis gold (KAU) and Kinesis silver (KAG) in circulation, stored on our blockchain.

Are there any storage fees?

With Kinesis, all precious metals are fully allocated, insured, with zero storage costs on holdings. Kinesis secures free storage for investors by allocating a share of Kinesis global transaction fee revenue to cover the vaulting costs. 

Through the robust vaulting network of ABX, Kinesis offers users bullion storage across the globe, while enabling investors to redeem their silver bullion at any time.