Lynette Zang

Banker and economist

Lynette Zang is a seasoned financial analyst and the Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading, a company specialising in gold and silver bullion and unique coins. Since 1964, Zang has had an extensive career as a banker, stockbroker and student of world currencies. 

Her approach at ITM Trading involves tracking across all fundamental asset classes to detect long-term currency trends and the currency position of assets in the currency trend cycle.

Other contributors

Robert Kiyosaki

Businessman & best-selling financial author

Peter Grandich

Investment and Fund Management Expert

Marc Faber

Author and investment advisor

Adam Trexler

Founder of Valaurum

Michael Oliver

Creator of Momentum Structural Analysis

David Tice

BEARX Founder and Film Director

Ron Branstetter

Host of Ron’s Basement

Daniel Lacalle

Chief Economist of Tressis

Danielle DiMartino Booth

CEO of Quill Intelligence

Bill Murphy

Chairman of GATA

Dr Stephen Leeb

Economist and financial author

Robert Kientz

President of the Gold Silver Pros

Craig Hemke

Founder of the TFMetalsReport

Bill Holter

Financial Commentator

Alasdair Macleod

Economist and Stockbroker

Andrew Maguire
