Posted 9th August 2023

What is Bitcoin Mining: A Comprehensive Guide

What is Bitcoin Mining?

Bitcoin mining has become a hot topic in the cryptocurrency space and has seen its fair share of praise and controversy since it entered the mainstream. 

From concerns about energy efficiency to praise for its novel approach to transaction security and verification, mining Bitcoin is now embedded into crypto culture and will continue to be key talking point for many years to come.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll run through everything you need to know about Bitcoin mining.

What is Bitcoin mining?

Bitcoin “mining” is the process used by the Bitcoin blockchain to create new tokens and secure its network by solving cryptographic puzzles, which in turn validate and verify transactions.

By using solving these puzzles, the miners (a decentralised network of nodes) that find the correct solution first are paid in Bitcoin.

Over time, the reward for mining Bitcoin will be reduced, with reward distribution continuing until all 21m Bitcoin are in circulation. 

How does Bitcoin mining work?

Bitcoin mining works using the proof-of-work consensus mechanism, which uses energy-intensive hardware to solve cryptographic puzzles. Miners use powerful computers and graphics cards to process and these solve complex mathematical problems.

The process involves hashes – which on the Bitcoin network are called SHA-256 – to verify that the transactions are correct when the puzzle is solved. It’s used to ensure that the data generated in a new block matches the original data, meaning that the transactions and data contained within the block are legitimate.

On average, it takes approximately 10 minutes to mine a block on the Bitcoin blockchain, although this is dependent on how many miners there are on the network.  

Is Bitcoin mining legal?

In most countries around the world, Bitcoin mining is legal in most cases. However, some countries have banned Bitcoin mining over energy concerns and regulations towards cryptocurrencies, such as Bangladesh, China, Egypt and Qatar. 

Is most U.S states, bitcoin mining is legal and has become more popular in areas when energy costs are more sustainable and affordable. 

Why is Bitcoin mining important?

Bitcoin mining is important for two key reasons, both centered around security and decentralisation.

The first is to prevent fraud when verifying transactions. By mining Bitcoin using the proof-of-work consensus mechanism, only transactions that are authentic can be recorded on the blockchain. Additionally, the amount of energy-intensive work that goes into producing blocks on the bitcoin blockchain ensure that only good actors undertake the somewhat arduous process of mining.

The second is the creation of new bitcoin through the mining process. In order to keep the blockchain operating, new blocks containing transactions have to be produced consistently. Through the use of a decentralised node network, this can be done on a 24/7 basis and ensure that new bitcoins are produced in a decentrlaised manner.

In line with the ethos of the cryptocurrency space, the PoW consensus mechanism utilised by bitcoin mining brings far greater decentralisation, as it ensures that all transactions are verified in unison and in agreement – creating a network effect that incentivises positive fair behaviours.

What are the challenges of Bitcoin mining?

The biggest challenges associated with bitcoin mining are costs and opportunity. To mine Bitcoin, it requires initial capital to purchase mining rigs capable of competing for rewards. This requires substantial energy consumption, which also has factored into profitability. Essentially, if a bitcoin mining rig isn’t big enough to compete for rewards or electricity and operating costs are too high, then miners won’t profit from their work.

This ties in with opportunity, as there aren’t many locations worldwide that can fulfil sustainable electricity costs with access to the relevant hardware needed. Challenges also occur in finding a suitable location to house your mining operation, as they can require ample real estate to house and cool the mining rigs.

Is Bitcoin mining worth it?

Without ample startup capital, access to a viable location and the knowledge to mine bitcoin profitably, mining bitcoin may not be worth it for most Bitcoin enthusiasts. However, options such as participating in Bitcoin pools online and creating micro rigs to mine your own bitcoin at home are available.

These may appeal more to those that use and invest in Bitcoin for its ideologies, which revolve around decentralisation, borderlessness and permissionless forms of money.

This publication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a solicitation, offering or recommendation of any security, commodity, derivative, investment management service or advisory service and is not digital asset or cryptocurrency trading advice. This publication does not intend to provide investment, tax or legal advice on either a general or specific basis.